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Boost your search traffic with long-tail keywords
Source: | Author:QS | Published time: 2021-11-01 | 1021 Views | Share:


Advertisers must pay close attention to the use of long-tail keywords and constantly grow and optimize long-tail keywords, which can provide advertisers with more consistent and accurate traffic. 

What are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail keywords are keywords on a website that are not the target keywords but nevertheless bring in search traffic and are distinguished by their length and refinement. In addition to the title of the landing page, long-tail words derive from the target keyword, usually consisting of 2-3 words or even a phrase, will not only appear on the landing page's headings but also its content.

Why should we invest time and effort into improving long-tail keywords?

Reason 1: Long-tail keywords have a low level of competition.

Although the search volume for long-tail terms is smaller than for short keywords, they have less competition and are easier to rank for.

Reason 2: Long-tail keywords have a reasonably high conversion rate.

Long-tail keywords generate higher conversion rates since customers search for them with more precise needs. It is possible to increase traffic to the marketed and promoted websites by creating many long-tail phrases.

How do you find the best long-tail keywords?

The following are some of our most common long-tail word mining techniques.

1. Combination of target keywords + attribute words. 

Target words include: model, usage, manufacturer, brand, material name, supply, region, performance, color, characteristics, etc.

Attributes include: whitening/moisturizing/sunscreen + brand name.

2. The target term + the brand name + the official website/product name/scene, and so on. 

Although this type of long-tail keyword does not receive much traffic, it is extremely accurate and converts well. If a spot removal product's brand name is Wuji, the title should be ‘Spot Removal and Whitening Magic Weapon Wuji Field Use Review’.

3. Synonyms and near-synonyms, as well as geographical variations. 

For example, you can use ‘sweet’, "fudge’, ‘chocolate candy’, and other synonyms in the same search for ‘candy’.

4. Determine the long-tail terms using the antonym. 

For example, you can set ‘how to do dull skin’, ‘how to brighten up dark skin’, and so on for whitening products.

5. Look for misspellings of keywords. 

These terms are not particularly competitive, but they could have unforeseen consequences. For example, if you search for ‘train ticket booking’, you will see many results.

6. Toned questions or phrases 

‘Is xxx good / how about xxx / what about xxx / how to xxx?’, ‘Where to buy / how much / where cheap?’, ‘Is xxx good / how about xxx / what about xxx / how to xxx’.

7. Using season, geography, gender, occupation, and other factors to broaden the scope of long-tail keywords. 

‘Spring/summer rhinitis precautions’, ‘drivers/engineers rhinitis prevention’, ‘men/women acne methods’, and so on.

8. To grow, compare with peers/competitors.

For example, if the advertiser is A and the peer is B, they can be compared to see which is better.

9. Acquire acceptable long-tail phrases using the platform for studying official instruments of user search patterns. 

For instance, the Baidu index, the 360 index, and so on.

10. Look through the search result page 

Search the ‘hot search words’ drop-down box for real-time search words. For cheaper and more relevant prospective long-tail phrases, use the ‘related search’ words at the bottom of the page. 

11. Discover long-tail words on the search platform's question and answer results page.

The intention is stronger among visitors who enter the Q&A session, and the conversion rate is expected to be higher than on the regular search page. For instance, Baidu knows, 360 knows, and so on.

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