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Placing illegal financial ads can be fined up to CNY ¥2,000,000!
Source: | Author:QS | Published time: 2021-09-02 | 800 Views | Share:

The supervision of advertisement by the Chinese government has become more strict than before, while the maximum fine regarding illegal financial ads has been increased to CNY ¥2,000,000. In May 2021, JD Finance (京东金融) has been fined CNY ¥400,000 for banned financial ads. 

To prevent the risk of being fined, advertisers must follow the rules below in the advertising campaigns.

1) Advertisers must submit valid licenses and certificates issued by the corresponding government to the media.

2) Risk warning must be included in the materials of financial ad, avoid using overstated descriptions and promise of earnings.

3) Live chatroom, p2p, and betting contents are strictly forbidden in financial ads. 


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